Contact Us

Mailing address:
813 West Nine Mile Road
Highland Springs, VA 23075

Office Hours: Monday – Thursday, 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM, Friday, 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Office Email: [email protected]

Office phone: 804-737-8028 – Fax: 804-328-4683

Emergency phone: 804-402-1221 (Call 24/7 if someone is dying or has died and you need a priest)


Pastor: Very Reverend Brian W. Capuano, VJ, canc., [email protected]

Parochial Vicar: Reverend Nicholas E. Redmond, [email protected]

Director of Religious Education, Pastoral Associate & Hispanic Ministry Coordinator: Paulita Matheny, [email protected]

Administrative Assistant: Kris Mednikov, [email protected]

Organist and Choirmaster: Virginia Tilley, [email protected]

Coordinador de la comunidad carismática: Joaquín Tepaz, [email protected]

Coordinador carismático de música comunitaria: Nicolás Tepaz, [email protected]

Bookkeeper: Cheryl Rosser, [email protected]

Please note  that St. John shares clergy and some staff with St. Patrick in Church Hill in Richmond and St. Peter in downtown Richmond.